Friday, December 25, 2009

New Year

Well, its about to be a new year. I would be lying if i said I was happy. I'm kinda not. I'm lonely. But I mean, hey, all in God's timing. I am all ready to be in a relationship. I think. But you know....hey....I aint hurtin....Some people dont have family no nothin....I am starting a diet in January....I am so determined to lose weight....I really need to....For my weight should pounds lighter than I am.....stupid me....But I mean, hey....I can do it if I set my mind to it.

I am also frustrated some times. With my life, with my apartment that I cannot keep clean....I think its cause of my dog......I get aggravated with everyone and their nice little lives....married with kids and keep a perfectly organized home......its shouldnt be but it is. Thats all for now. Bye,

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hey All, I know I have not been on this thing like I need to be....some things have come up and mostly all of you know about them. Sometimes life really does stink. But you gotta make up for all the crappy days somehow. I would recommend getting closer to God. Only in the darkness will you be able to see the light. That is what I have had to do here recently. A lot of things have been going on and sometimes I just dont know how I can make it through. But, God is in control and I know that He is in charge of everything that happens. Thank You Lord!